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Try these effective home remedies to get immediate relief from burnt mouth that would occur after consuming hot foods!! Â

Many of us would have felt a burning kind of sensation in our mouths after eating fresh hot samosa or drinking hot coffee or tea etc. This burnt issue can be there for many hours together causing huge discomfort for us. There is no need to worry about this burnt mouth issue as there are few home remedies available to soothe the burnt feeling.

The home remedies are

By drinking cold milk:

It is true that by drinking cold milk we would be able to get some relief from the burning sensation in our mouths. Intake of cold milk would numb the area and would give us immediate relief. The presence of proteins like casein in the milk would coat the burnt tissues in the mouth. A protective layer would be formed and this would help in speedy healing.

By applying honey:

Not many of us know the fact that honey can be a natural healer. The burnt pain in the mouth would be reduced by applying honey on the area in the mouth. The antibacterial properties of honey play a huge role here. Soothing layer would be formed over the burnt area in the mouth and this would facilitate faster healing.

By applying ghee:

As a remedy for burns, ghee has been used for many decades and that is mainly due to its special cooling properties. By applying ghee, our burning sensation in the mouth would reduce. Ghee application would help in tissue repair.

By applying aloe vera gel:

A popular home based remedy for treating burning sensation in the mouth is by applying aloe vera gel. The reason is due to its cooling and healing properties It must be noted that there would be immediate relief from the burning feel due to cool temperature and creamy texture of aloe vera gel.

By applying sugar:

The pain of burnt mouth would get reduced when we apply sugar. Sugar works by stimulating our saliva production and this would cool down the burning feeling. Healing would be promoted. Truth is that this sugar application remedy could be used when other home remedies are not available.


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